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Biology | Science Communication

Curriculum vitae

Postdoctoral researcher

Science and Technology Promotion and Management

Aveiro University - ongoing.



Biology  (5 years doctoral studies – awarded Summa Cum Laude, by unanimity of the jury)

University of Aveiro. 2011.



Marketing and Digital Communication (Final mark 9.38/10)

IMF International Business School, in association with Universidad San Pablo. 2016.



​Biology (5 years university studies - final mark 17/20)

University of Aveiro. 2005.

Academic qualifications


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- Portuguese (mother tongue)

- English (excelent)

- French (very good)

- Spanish (good)

- German (basic)

- Luxemburguish (basic)


- Galreamento (dialect)



- Management and Conservation of Wildlife and Biodiversity

- Science Communication and Public Engagement

- Accessible and inclusive communication

- Environmental education and dissemination of natural values

- Landscape and communities ecology

- Forest Ecology

- Sustainable Development

- Eco-Tourism


-Digital Comunnication

- Community management

- Study of Vertebrate communities in the Bussaco Mountain and surrounding areas, analysing the impact of human land use on diversity and conservation value. Development of the PhD research. Bussaco National Forest.

Ornithology Course by Dr. António Luís e Dr. João Rabaça, BioNúcleo AAUA – Aveiro, Portugal. May 2004.

- "Bird Ringing" by Dr. Antonio Luis and Victor Encarnação, BioNúcleo AAUA – Aveiro, Portugal.November 2004.

- "Scientific Illustration – Black & White Techniques" by Drs. Nuno Farinha e Fernando Correia, BioNúcleo AAUA - Aveiro, Portugal. December 2013.

- "Scientific Illustration – Color Techniques" by Drs. Nuno Farinha e Fernando Correia, BioNúcleo AAUA - Aveiro, Portugal. March 2004.

- “Introduction to Conservation Biology”, Aldeia Environmental Association [NGO] - Bragança, Portugal. October 2005.

- Advanced course "Planning and executing habitat selection studies: applications for Environmental Impact and Monitoring studies", coordinated by Dr. Jaime Ramos. University of Coimbra. February 2007.

"Introduction to Bird Ringing" by Dr. Antonio Luis and Victor Encarnação, BioNúcleo AAUA - Aveiro, Portugal. March 2008.

- Theoretical and practical Course: "Acoustic identification of bats," by Dr. Hugo Rebelo, CIBIO - Research Centre for Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Portugal. May 2008

“Estimating Animal Abundance” by Professor Kenneth Pollock (U.S.A.), Professor Jean-Dominique Lebreton (France) e Professor Theodore R. Simons (U.S.A.). University of Évora, Évora, Portugal. July 2008

- Technical Course: "Collecting Biological Samples from Birds", taught by veterinarian Dr. Filipe Martinho. Training Department of the Portuguese Bird Ringers Association.

"Interpretation and identification of terrestrial  mammals tracks and signs" by Benjamin Sanz Navarro. Department of Biology, University of Aveiro. June 2009.

- Practical Course: “Construction Management and Monitoring of Ponds for Wildlife”

Aldeia Environmental Association and CERVAS- Centre for Ecology, Recovery and Monitoring of Wildlife , Gouveia, Portugal. March 2011.

- Course “Participatory forest management as practice and performance”, Universidade de Wageningen, Holland. July 2011.

Forest Ecology; Final mark: "Very good" – 95 / 100

Talentus - National Association of Trainers and Training technicians, Coimbra, Portugal. December 2011 – January 2012

Forest Management Plans;  Final mark: "Very good" – 90 / 100

Talentus - National Association of Trainers and Training technicians, Coimbra, Portugal. January 2012 – February 2012

- Course "Environmental Educator" Quercus - Portuguese Nature Conservation Association, environmental NGO, Guarda, Portugal. February 2012

Layout and Publishing with Adobe InDesign CS5;  Final mark: "Excellent" - 9,7 / 10. UNAVE - Association for Training and Research, University of Aveiro. February 2012

Sustainable Forest Management; Final Mark: "Very good" – 97 / 100

Talentus - National Association of Trainers and Training technicians, Coimbra, Portugal. November 2012.

Postgraduate Course on Science Communication

Science Communication Unit, University of the West of England. March 2013

"General Botany" by Dras. Rosa Pinho e Lísia Lopes, Herbarium of the University of Aveiro in Bussao Forrest Foundation. June 2013.

- Course "Accessible Communication: Design of Communication and Languages". Acess Culture’ and National Museum of Natural History and Science, Lisbon. February 2014

Qualitative statistical analysis with WebQDA by Dayse Neri de Souza e Francislê Neri de Souza. Education Department, University of Aveiro. April 2014.

Pedagogical Training of Trainers (final grade 97/100). Rfa Academy, Porto.

April 2014.

Written Science Communication by Dr. António Piedade, Casa da escrita, Coimbra. May 2014.

- Course "Introduction to Communication Sciences" Coursera & University of Amsterdam. August 2014.

- Communication Training Seminar - Increasing capacity for communicating Natura 2000 sites. LIFE EME project (Efficient Managers for Efficient Natura 2000 Network) & The EUROPARC Federation. 15 -20 March 2015, Brasov, Romania.

- "IUCN Red List Training Course" by Axel Hochkirch, Chair of the IUCN SSC Grasshopper Specialist Group & Chair of the IUCN SSC Invertebrate Conservation Sub-Comitee, and Pedro Cardoso, Chair of the IUCN SSC Spider and Scorpion Specialist Group. Lisbon, 3-5 June 2015.


Complementary training


- 1996 to 1998. Organization leader. Directive responsibilities at “CAPICUA – cultural and recreational association”.

-  June to august of 2003. Environmental education monitor/guide at the S. Jacinto Dunes Natural Reserve, S. Jacinto, Portugal.

September 2004 – July 2005. Professionalizing Traineeship within the BSc in Biology. Production of the atlas of breeding birds on Campus de Santiago, University of Aveiro, Portugal. 

- September 2005 – ongoing. Professor, teaching assistant and scientific supervisor. Teaching, teaching assistance and scientific supervision of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Aveiro. 

- Since February 2006 - ongoing. Biologist and environmental consultant for the development of Environmental Impact Studies. Work developed particularly in the context of the effects of wind energy harnessing on local fauna, with the companies “PGG - "Planos Globais de Gestão” (Global Management Plans); BIOTA; and as a freelancer. 

- Monitoring and evaluation of mortality within bird and bat communities due to the implementation of the Coentral and Safra wind farms, Lousã Mountain, Portugal. Dezember 2005 - February


- Inventory and census of birds in Quinta de S.Francisco, Eixo, Portugal

- Impact assessment due to the closure of the Vale da Ossa Mines, Montesinho, on local bat communities. 2006.

- Monitoring and evaluation of mortality within bird and bat communities due to the implementation of the Coentral and Safra wind farms, Lousã Mountain, Portugal. February 2007 - Dezember 2009.

- Monitoring and evaluation of mortality within bird and bat communities occuring in the area of "Testos II" wind farm. February 2007 - January de 2008.

- Monitoring of bats communities occurring in the f implementation area of “Testos II” Wind Farm and corresponding High Voltage Electric Line (pre-construction phase). April 2099 - May 2009.

- Monitoring of bird communities occurring in the f implementation area of “Testos II” Wind Farm and corresponding High Voltage Electric Line (pre-construction phase). April 2099 - May 2009.

- Monitoring of bird and bat communities occurring  in the area of implementation of the Wind Farm “Fonte da Mesa II”, Lamego, Portugal (pre-construction phase). February 2009 – July 2009

- Assessing the impact on the avifauna of the enlargement of the Euro-Yser manufacturing facilities, Aveiro Industrial Area, Portugal. June 2011 – August 2011 

- Environmental monitoring (Biology component) regarding the construction of irrigation and drainage infrastructure for block Pedrógão 3 – Alqueva Dam and reservoir development. June 2011 – August 2011.

- February 2006 – June 2011PhD research. Study of Vertebrate communities in the Bussaco Mountain and surrounding areas, analysing the impact of human land use on diversity and conservation value. 

- 2006 - ongoing. Scientific and environmental education. Part of several scientific education projects regarding environmental awareness and the promotion of nature conservation values.

- 2005 - ongoing. Monitor / tutor / guide. Scientific monitor and guide, implementing and overseeing diverse activities for several organizations / institutions / NGOs (e.g. University of Aveiro, SPEA –Portuguese society for the study of birds, Bussaco National Forest Foundation, “Ciência Viva”[Live Science] – summer biology Programme, etc.)

-  July 2011 – ongoing. Postdoctoral researcher in Science Communication:

- Development and coordination of the communication strategies for the promotion of Bussaco National Forest, Mealhada, Portugal.
- Scientific coordinator for the development of activities and programmes for the general public.
- Creation, management and coordination of the educational services at Bussaco National Forest.
- Creation of communication materials for the promotion of Bussaco National Forest: nature, patrimony, etc.

- Responsible for the environmental research activities and coordination of technical teams and wildlife monitoring programmes.

- Responsible for the engagement, establishment and coordination of partnerships.

- Responsible for writing technical reports and scientific papers for international journals.

- August 2012 – ongoing. Chief Sustainability Officer at Living Place .

- Nature conservation strategy

- Promotion and outreach

- Staff training

- Projects and development adviser.

- August 2012 – ongoing. Biologist and environmental consultant at NOCTULA. Work developed in the context of bat monitoring and identification. 

- February 2016 – ongoing. Lifelong trainer for teachers. Leya editorial Group.

- June 2016 – ongoing. Organization leader. President at Association BioLiving - Nature and education for all.

Professional experience
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Other interests

- Music

- Singing 

- Photography 

- Cinema

- Literature 

- Trecking, traveling 

- Gardening

- Farming

- Agriculture

- Bricolage

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- June 2000

1st place on the environmental education prize “Educar para Preservar” – Journey to Amazonia.

- May 2010

1st place in the signing festival “Festival música (en)cantada”, by Filarmónica União Taveirense.

September 2010

1st place in the signing festival “Tom de Música”, Municipality of Tondela.

- May 2013

Bussaco National Forest Foundation won the Prize “Entity of the Year”, by the Lions Club of Mealhada, for the work developed on environmental education and promotion of natural values (work coordinated by me).

- October 2014

Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarship. “EUROPARC Federation in cooperation with the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. awards the Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships to young promising conservationists with practical experience in the field of conservation and in the work of protected areas”. This distinction was recognized by the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic.

- January 2015

Project Bussaco Digital, (work coordinated by me). Nomenee for Green Project Awards in the category of Mobilization initiative.

- March 2014

Terre de Femmes Award, by Fondation Yves Rocher - Institut de France, national prize.

- April 2015

Terre de Femmes Award, by Fondation Yves Rocher - Institut de France.

Winner of both Great International Prize and Public's Choice Award. 
- May 2015

Citizen of the Year. Awarded by Mealhada Lions Club for the outsanding work done in the field of nature conservation and education.

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- Training of Monitors for the Bussaco National Forest - component "Wildlife".   Bussaco National Forest Foundation. November 2011

- “Introduction to Forest Birds Identification” , Bussaco National Forest;
Bussaco National Forest Foundation and Department of Biology, University of Aveiro. April 2012

- Workshop "Amazing Bats", Bussaco National Forest

Bussaco National Forest Foundation and Department of Biology, University of Aveiro. June 23rd, 2013; July 27th, 2012; July 28th, 2011 and 22nd August, 2011

- Workshop "Forest Amphibians", Bussaco National Forest;

Bussaco National Forest Foundation and Department of Biology, University of Aveiro. May 25th, 2012 and June 21st, 2013.

- Training on “Colletion and propagation of native plants”. Bussaco National Forest Foundation and Department of Biology, University of Aveiro. November 2012.

- Course “Monitoring amphibians and reptiles”. University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. November 2014.

- Workshop "Design, eloquence, relevance ... How to achieve effective oral and panel presentations?”. Science Communication Course, University of Aveiro, Portugal. April to May, 2014 and June 2015.

- Workshop "Digital communication: social networks at the service of science." Science Communication Course, University of Aveiro, Portugal. April to May, 2014 and June 2015.

- Workshop “Design of Environmental Education (methodologies, design and implementation of activities)”. Murtosa. Portuguese Association for Environmental Education. August 2014

- Training "How to communicate efficiently?" promoted by Living Place with the support of the Escola Superior de Hotelaria de Coimbra, OF Hotur Consultants and the Department of Biology of the University of Aveiro. November 2014 and February 2015.

- Course "Introduction to Scientific Illustration - Black and White Techniques" promoted by the Portuguese Society for Wildlife. 17 January 2015. Braga, Portugal.

- Workshop "Introduction to Scientific Illustration". Conference on Applied Biology, 18th February 2015, University of Minho. Braga, Portugal.

- Workshop "Identification and Conservation of Bats", Calvão, 16th May 2015 and Coimbra, July 24th 2015.

- Masterclass "How to communicate efficiently?" 13th March 2015. School of Health, University of Aveiro.

- Course "Present to win! How to deliver succesful presentations?". University of Porto. 01 October 2015.

- Workshop “Communication with elderly people”. University of Aveiro. 13 March 2016.

- Workshop “Identification and conservation of bats”. Calvão. 16 May 2016.

- Workshop “Identification and conservation of bats”. Coimbra Choupal National Forest. 24 July 2016.


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Other skills 

- Certified trainer nº F620792/2014 ("classification, excellent").

- Statistics and statistical software user: Primer, MVSP, SPSS

- Digital image processing, page layout and graphic design:
- Digital imaging software user: Adobe InDesign and Corel Draw

- Design and layout of educational material, brochures, books, etc.

- Communication and outreach: Text production and dissemination of science news.

- Event planning and organization.

- Illustration for children.

- Coordination of teams and projects.

- Scientific monitor for the activity "Cross Country on Rocks II" as a monitor under “Ciência Viva” (Live Science) – Summer Biology 2004 Programme.

- Scientific monitor for the activity "The vertebrates of Bussaco National Forest" part of the "Summer Academy" programme, University of Aveiro. July 2007.

- Scientific monitor for the activity "Mammals of Bussaco National Forest," part of the "Summer Academy" programme, University of Aveiro. July 2008.

- Scientific monitor for the activity in "Birds of Aveiro Saltponds" integrated program "Stories the Water and Salt", University of Aveiro. April to May 2009.

- Guide to bird-watching activity "Birdwatching in Bussaco National Forest”, Bussaco National Forest. Organized by SPEA,  the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds and the Bussaco National Forest Foundation. April 2010.

- Guide to bird-watching activity "Birdwatching in Bussaco National Forest”, Bussaco National Forest. Organized by SPEA,  the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds. May 2010.

- Scientific monitor for the activity "The vertebrates of Bussaco National Forest," part of the "Summer Academy" programme, University of Aveiro. July 2009 - July 2010 -  July 2011 e July 2012.

- Scientific Monitor for the activity bird-watching activity "Birdwatching in Bussaco National Forest”, Bussaco National Forest. Organized by SPEA,  the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds and the Bussaco National Forest Foundation. April 2011.

-Scientific monitor for the activity "How to identify mammals?”, Science and Technology Week, University of Aveiro. November 2011.

- Scientific monitor for the activity "Mountain Biodiversity”, celebrating the International Mountain Day, Bussaco National Forest Foundation.  December 2011 - December 2010

Consulting and scientific review for the documentary "Mondego”, directed in 2011 by Daniel Pinheiro Wildlife Films and awarded the "Seed of Science Special 2012” prize.

- Consulting, scientific review and english translation for the documentary "Between the sky and the tides”, directed in 2012 by Daniel Pinheiro Wildlife Films.

- Consulting, scientific review and english translation for the documentary "The song of the Earth”, directed in 2013 by Daniel Pinheiro Wildlife Films.

- Comunicação do tema “Ciência para a Liberdade” no Ignite Portugal em Aveiro, 11 Junho 2014.

Scientific monitor for the activity "Creatures of the night". Night biodiversity. Organized by Living Place, Pampilhosa. June 2014.

- Scientific Monitor, WAVE project: Surfing for Environment, Sustainability, Health; 23 Junho 2014, Resrva Natural das Dunas de São Jacinto.

- Scientific Monitor for the activity “European bat night”, Coimbra. June

- Scientific Monitor for the activity “Urban birds of Coimbra”, organized by agency for the promotion of downtown Coimbra. July 2014.

- Scientific Monitor for the activity “European bat night”. July 2014, Buçaquinho Environmental Park.

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- Collaboration with "Coastwatch Europe", performing environmental assessment transects. 2003

- Development and production of the "Atlas of breeding birds on Campus de Santiago, University of Aveiro, Portugal”. 2004.

- Improvement and Rehabilitation of the Bussaco National Forest, in the context of its biological values; Portuguese National Forest Authority, University of Aveiro and the Bussaco National Forest Foundation

- Red Deer census campaign in Lousã mountain, Portugal. September 2005 - September 2006 - September 2007 - September 2008. 

- Participation in the development plan and management of the Bussaco National Forest, between 2006 and 2009.

- “Stories of Salt and Water”; EcoSal Atlantis European project

University of Aveiro. July 2009.

- "Factors affecting the seasonal and spatial patterns of vertebrate diversity and activity in different habitats of the Aveiro Lagoon humanized landscape”. University of Aveiro, Estarreja Municipality and Observatoires Hommes-Milieux (CNRS, France). September 2011-2012

- Development of the “Bussaco National Forest’s educational service”;

Bussaco National Forest Foundation / Department of Biology, University of Aveiro. 2011-ongoing

- "Atlas of migratory and wintering birds", SPEA, the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds. 2011-ongoing

-"Atlas of Portuguese Bats”, by the national experts. 2011-ongoing

-LIFE+ project: BRIGHT - Bussaco´s Recovery from Invasions Generating Habitat Threats (LIFE10 / NAT/PT/075)

Scientific advising, guidance and fauna monitoring; coordination of field teams and work; information analysis and official reporting. 2011- ongoing

- “Biodiversity, prey-predator dynamics and environmental education at the humanized landscape of BIORIA”. University of Aveiro, Estarreja Municipality and Observatoires Hommes-Milieux (CNRS, France). 2012-ongoing

- Participation in the project "Hiking trails of Cacia and Eixo". April 2013.

- Participation in the project "Hiking trails of Penacova". April 2014.

- “Certification of Bussaco National Forest as Forest of High Conservation Value”. Bussaco National Forest Foundation. 2012-ongoing

- Development of the project "Bussaco Digital", a partnership between the Department of biology, the Department of communication and art (University of Aveiro) and Bussaco Forest Foundation.

- Coordination of the research project "Communication of science as a tool for social reintegration" (University of Aveiro).

- Characterization of the wildlife of the Buçaquinho Environmental Park, Barrinha de Esmoriz, dunes and coast pine forest in the North of Ovar Municipalaty.

- Coordination of the research project "Public perception and conservation of bats: the importance of environmental education".

- Coordination of the award-winning Project BIO Somos Todos ('we are all BIO').

- Collaboration in ALJIA project - Integrated Management Plan for Alge River. Municipality of Figueiró dos Vinhos, University of Aveiro, University of Évora, Agrarian School of Coimbra and Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests. 2015-ongoing.
- Co-development and coordination of the project "Imprinting an ecological compensation reasoning on society by means of young citizens - IMPRINT+" (2015-1-PT01-KA201-012976, Erasmus+, H2020). 2015-2018

- Portuguese network for the monitoring of the European stag beetle (citizen science project). Coordination team. 2016-ongoing.

- Development and coordination of the project FOREST-IN: INovative and Educational INformation for the Sustainable FOREST Management by Smallholders (2016-1-PT01-KA204-022830, Erasmus+, H2020). 2016-2019.

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- Seminar: "Coastwatch 2002" organized by GEOTA [Group for the Study of Spatial and Environmental Planning] Bionúcleo and the Academic Association of the University of Aveiro. 2003

- Participation in the National meeting of students of Biology, held in Lisbon. March 2002.

- Open conference cycle "Biology at Night I" organized by the Department of Biology, University of Aveiro and the Municipality of Aveiro, Portugal. April 2002.

- Symposium: "Toxicities: Understanding the Harmful", organized by the Center for Biology Students of the Academic Association of Coimbra. March 2003.

- Colloquium: "Career Prospects for Biologists. Present and Future", organized by by BioNúcleo AAUA University of Aveiro and the Professional Association of Biologists, Portugal. December 2003.

- Open conference cycle "Biology at Night II" organized by the Department of Biology, University of Aveiro and the Municipality of Aveiro, Portugal. April to June 2003.

- Convention "Amphibians and Reptiles at the University of Aveiro", organized by BioNúcleo AAUA University of Aveiro , Portugal. December 2003.

- Open conference cycle "Biology at Night III" organized by the Department of Biology, University of Aveiro and the Municipality of Aveiro, Portugal. April to June 2004.

- Open conference cycle "Biology at Night IV" organized by the Department of Biology, University of Aveiro and the Municipality of Aveiro, Portugal. April to June 2005.

- Conference " Energía Eólica y Conservación de a Naturaleza" [Wind Power and Nature Conservation], organized by the Platform for Rational Implementation of Wind Power in Euskadi held in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. February 2007.

- "José Nascimento" seminar on Applied Ecology: "Natura 2000 ecological network: challenges for nature conservation", University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal. April 2007.

- Thematic Seminars on "Potential and Practical Applications of computer tools: SPSS, NUD * IST, EndNote and B-ON" within the project“ "Research, Analysis, Understanding and Information Management in Higher Education - PACGI", University of Aveiro, Portugal. October 2007.

- Conference “Via Sacra”, Bussaco National Forest, Portugal. March 2010.

-Open conference cycle "Biology at Night X" organized by the Department of Biology, University of Aveiro and the Municipality of Aveiro. April to June 2011

-Meeting “New products and uses in the Aveiro Lagoon”. University of Aveiro. June 2013.

- XII National Congress of Environmental Engineering and X National Conference on Environment. University of Aveiro. November 2013.

- World Forum on Natura Capital. Edinburgh. 23-24 November 2015.

- Conference ‘Forest Fires – from local to global scale’. September 28, 2016. University of Lisbon.

- Sustainability Forum. September 27, 2016. Setúbal, The Navigator Company.

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- Matos, M.; Soares, AMVM; Morgado, F., Fonseca, C. "Mastofauna del Bosque Nacional de  Buçaco, Centro de Portugal."[Mammals from Bussaco National Forest, Portugal Central Region] VII SECEM Conference, Valencia, Spain. (Poster).

- Matos, M.; Luís A. "Atlas of breeding birds of the Campus of the University of Aveiro." V Congress of Ornithology SPEA. Oeiras, Portugal. (Poster)

- Matos, M."Bussaco National Forest: from environmental education to sustainable exploitation and management of biological resources - Vertebrates." I National Meeting of Post-Graduates in Biological Sciences & V Post-Graduates’ Symposium of the Dept. of Biology, University of Aveiro, Portugal (Oral presentation)

- Matos, M.;Fonseca, C., Soares, A.M.V.M. " Improvement and Rehabilitation of the Bussaco National Forest" 13th APDR Congress / 1st Congress of Nature Conservation and Management. Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal. (Oral presentation)

- Matos, M.; Fonseca, C. "Amphibians and Reptiles of Bussaco National Forest, Centre of Portugal." 14th Congress of European Herpetology. Oporto, Portugal. (Poster)

- Matos, M.; Fonseca, C. "Mammal Checklist of Bussaco National Forest, Centre of Portugal." 5th European Congress of Mammalogy.. Siena, Italy. (Poster)

- Pinto N.; Matos M.;E. Ferreira, C. Fonseca "Impact assessment on the local bat communities due to the shut down of a mining facility in Northern Portugal." 5th European Congress of Mammalogy. 21 to 26 September 2007. Siena, Italy. (Poster)

- Matos, M. and Fonseca, C. "Bussaco National Forest: Biodiversity and Environmental Education." IX Annual Conference for Nature Conservation - FAPAS. 12 and 13 April 2008. Viana do Castelo, Portugal (Poster)

- Matos M.;Fonseca C. "Vertebrates of Bussaco National Forest, Centre of Portugal". XXth International Congress of Zoology, Paris , France (Poster)
- Pinto N.; Matos M.;Ferreira E. "Impact assessment of wind turbines over local winged vertebrate communities". XXth International Congress of Zoology, Paris , France (Poster)

- Matos, M.; Pinto, N., Fonseca, C. "Comparison of communities of bats occurring in different habitat types." 11th National Congress of Ecology – SPECO, Vila Real, Portugal (Poster)

- Pinto, N.M.L.; Matos, M.;Alves da Silva, A., Alves, J., Fonseca, C. "The role of fragmented habitats on bat diversity and abundance in the Mediterranean area". Xth International Congress of Mammalogy. Mendoza, Argentina (Poster)

- Matos, M.;Pinto, N.; Fonseca, C. "Bat communities in different habitats within a fragmented landscape". 2nd European Congress for Conservation Biology, Prague, Czech Republic (Oral presentation)

- Matos M.,Ratola D., Pascoal da Silva L. & Fonseca C. "Which forest variables influence bird diversity and abundance?" 13th World Forestry Congress. Buenos Aires, Argentina (Poster)

- Milena Matos,Luis Pascoal da Silva and Carlos Fonseca. "The avifauna of Bussaco National Forest." VI Congress of Ornithology & IV Iberian Congress of Ornithology, SPEA - the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Elvas, Portugal (Poster)

- Luís Pascoal da Silva, Joana Alves, António Alves da Silva, Pedro Pereira, Milena Matos and Carlos Fonseca. "Occupation of nest boxes by Paridae within different forest habitats." VI Congress of Ornithology & IV Iberian Congress of Ornithology, SPEA - the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, , Elvas, Portugal (Poster)

- Matos, M.; Pinto, N.M.L. and Ferreira, E. "Monitoring the avifauna of a wind farm in Natura 2000 area." VI Congress of Ornithology & IV Iberian Congress of Ornithology, SPEA-the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Elvas, Portugal (Poster)

- Milena Matos, Nuno Lopes Pinto and Carlos Fonseca. " Los murciélagos del Bosque Nacional de Bussaco, Centro de Portugal" [Bats of Bossaco National Forest, Central  Region of Portugal] IX Annual Conference of the Spanish Society for the Conservation and Study of Mammals (SECEM), Bilbao, Spain (Poster)

- Luis Pascoal da Silva, Joana Alves, Milena Matos, and Carlos Fonseca. "Rapaces como controladores de pequeños mamíferos en Portugal: el caso de la lechuza común”[Birds of prey as controllers of small mammals in  Portugal: the case of the Barn Owl]. IX Annual Conference of the Spanish Society for the Conservation and Study of Mammals (SECEM), Bilbao, Spain (Poster)

- Pedro Pereira, Milena Matos, António Silva, Luís Silva, Joana Alves and Carlos Fonseca. “Habitat selection by meso mammals within the Bussaco National Forest and surrounding areas” [Selección de hábitat por mesomamíferos en Bosque Nacional de Bussaco y áreas a su alrededor]. IX Annual Conference of the Spanish Society for the Conservation and Study of Mammals (SECEM), Bilbao, Spain (Oral Presentation)

- M. Matos, N. M. L. Pinto, A. Alves da Silva, J. Alves, C. Fonseca. "Diversity of foraging bats in a heterogeneous landscape of Central Portugal." Third Conference of the SECEMU: Bat Monitoring Methods., A Coruña, Spain (Oral Presentation)

- M. Matos,J. Alves, A. Alves da Silva, C. Fonseca. "Diversity of birds in humanized habitats in heterogeneous landscapes." VII SPEA Congress of Ornithology & I Macaronesian Conference of Ornithology. Machico, Madeira, Portugal (Oral Presentation)

- Ramos Pereira M.J., Rainho A., Amorim F., Alves P., Marques J.T., et al. “El atlas de los murciélagos de Portugal.” X Jornadas de la SECEM. Fuengirola, Spain. (Poster).

- Milene Matos and Carlos Fonseca. "Learning outdoors: environmental education for changes in behavior." XIX Pedagogical Conference on Environmental Education. Portuguese Association of Environmental Education. Câmara de Lobos, Madeira, Portugal (Poster)

- Milene Matos, Antonio Jorge Franco, Luís Jordão and Carlos Fonseca. " Bussaco National Forest: Presenting the Educational Service". XIX Pedagogical Conference on Environmental Education. Portuguese Association of Environmental Education. Câmara de Lobos, Madeira, Portugal (Poster)

- Matos, M.; Moreira-Pinhal, T. C.; Mocito, R. S., Jervis, S. ; Paredes, C., Pires, P. ; Corley, M., Marabuto, E., Grosso-Silva, J.M., Fonseca, C. "The potential of environmental education for scientific knowledge." XIX Pedagogical Conference on Environmental Education. Portuguese Association of Environmental Education. Câmara de Lobos, Madeira, Portugal (Poster)

- Moreira-Pinhal, T. C.; Mocito, R. S.;  Jervis, S.; Paredes, C.; Marabuto, E.; Grosso-Silva, J.M.; Pires, P.; Corley, M. F. V. ; Matos, M.; Fonseca, C. "Entomofauna of Bussaco National Forest." XIII Nature Conservation and Environmental Education Conference. FAPAS - Fund for the Protection of Wild Animals. April 22, 2012, Leiria, Portugal (Poster)

- Filipa Ribeiro, Milene Matos, Tamira Cruz, Renato Neves, Filomena Martins and Carlos Fonseca. “Factors affecting bird nesting in Aveiro salt ponds”. IV Congress of Wildlife – WAVES 2012. Bragança, Portugal (Poster presentation).

- Moreira-Pinhal, T. C.; Marabuto, E.; Mocito, R. S.; Jervis, S.; Paredes, C.; Pires, P.; Corley, M. F. V.; Matos, M.; Fonseca, C. “Advances in the study of Lepidoptera in Bussaco National Forest (Portugal).” IV Congress of Wildlife – WAVES 2012. Bragança, Portugal (Poster presentation).

- M. Matos,N. Lopes Pinto, M. J. Pereira and C. Fonseca. “Triggering bat detectors: automatic vs. manual mode.” IV Jornadas de la SECEMU. Granollers, Spain (Poster presentation).

- Milene Matos, Paulo Trincão, Amadeu Soares and Carlos Fonseca. “Research and Innovation in Environmental Education: some case studies.” XX Pedagogical Conference on Environmental Education. Portuguese Association for Environmental Education. Leiria, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Milene Matos, Joana Alves, António Alves da Silva and Carlos Fonseca. “Forest and agricultural management: what is the place for biodiversity conservation?” 7th National Forestry Congress. Portuguese Society of Forest Science, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and Agrarian School of Bragança. Vila Real and Bragança, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Ricardo Mocito Santos, Milene Matos, Tatiana Moreira and Carlos Fonseca. “Characterization of the entomological community in a rural setting in an agroforestry mosaic of Central Portugal”. Portuguese Congress of Ecology (SPECO). Bragança, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Milene Matos, Nelson Matos and José Carlos Mota. “Biodiversity: what place in the future territorial agenda?” International Conference ‘Europe 2020: rhetoric, discourse, policy and practice’. University of Aveiro, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Milene Matos and Nelson Matos. “Bussaco National Forest: sustainable, smart and inclusive development model“. ObservaNatura 2013. Setúbal, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Milene Matos, André Aguiar, Maria João Ramos Pereira and Carlos Fonseca. “Bats of Bussaco National Forest: Research and Environmental Education”. II Chiroptera Seminar. Cultursintra Foundation, Federação Portuguesa de Espeleologia and Associação dos Espeleólogos de Sintra. Sintra, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Milene Matos,Nuno Lopes Pinto, Maria João Ramos Pereira & Carlos Fonseca. Triggering bat detectors: automatic vs. manual mode. II Chiroptera Seminar. Cultursintra Foundation, Federação Portuguesa de Espeleologia and Associação dos Espeleólogos de Sintra. Sintra, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- M. Matos, M. Alves, M. J. Pereira, S. Marques, I. Torres & C. Fonseca. El aguilucho lagunero, un cazador certero. Potencial de las egagrópilas de rapaces diurnas para el estudio de micromamíferos. XI Congreso de la SECEM

Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos. 5 a 8 dezembro 2013. Avilés, Asturias, Spain (Oral presentation).

- L. Pereira, M. Matos, P. Maia, A. Vasques and C. Fonseca. Especies nativas e invasoras del bosque: potencial de los mamíferos carnívoros en la propagación y control de las semillas. XI Congreso de la SECEM - Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos. 5 a 8 dezembro 2013. Avilés, Asturias, Spain (Oral presentation).

- M. Matos, N. Lopes-Pinto, M. J. Pereira & C. Fonseca. Detección de murciélagos: hombre vs. máquina. XI Congreso de la SECEM - Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos. 5 a 8 dezembro 2013. Avilés, Asturias, Spain (Oral presentation).

- André Aguiar, Milene Matos and Carlos Fonseca. Effects of control and eradication of invasive plants on bird communities. VIII National Congress on Ornithology. SPEA – Portuguese Society for the Studt of Birds. 1 to 4th March 2014. Almada, Portugal (Poster presentation).

- Michelle Alves, Milene Matos, Joaquim Pedro Ferreira, Sara Marques, Inês Torres and  Carlos Fonseca. The Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) in the Lower Vouga Lagoon: diet, use and selection of habitat. VIII National Congress on Ornithology. SPEA – Portuguese Society for the Studt of Birds. 1 to 4th March 2014. Almada, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Sofia Jervis, Carlos Fonseca, Milene Matos. Science and society: science communication as a foundation for sustainability. National Congress of Science Communication SciCom PT. 1-4th June 2014 University of Porto, Portugal. (Poster presentation).

- Inês Torres, Milene Matos, Michelle Alves, Carlos Fonseca, Eduardo Ferreira. Amphibians in a human-altered wetland landscapes: water matters, even when there is plenty. XIII Iberian Congress of Herpethology, University of Aveiro. 30th September - 4th October 2014. Aveiro, Portugal (Poster presentation).

- Milene Matos, Lúcia Lopes & Carlos Fonseca. Cases of success during crisis: Bussaco National Forest educative services. III Lusophone Congress of Environmental Education. 8-10th July 2015. Murtosa, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Sofia Jervis, Carlos Fonseca, Milene Matos. When environmental education changes lives: science and nature as tools for social reintegration. III Lusophone Congress of Environmental Education. 8-10th July 2015. Murtosa, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Milene Matos, André Aguiar, Carlos Fonseca. Immediate bird responses to windstorm disturbance: a case study from Bussaco National Forest, Central Portugal. 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology & 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology. August 2-6 2015, Montpellier, France (Poster presentation).

- Milene Matos, André Aguiar, Sónia Guerra, Lísia Lopes, Rosa Pinho and Carlos Fonseca. Can intense control of invasive species do more harm than good? A case study from Bussaco National Forest, central Portugal.

33rd International Union of Game Biologists Congress. 24-27th August 2015. Puebla, Mexico (Poster presentation).

- Cátia Paredes, Carlos Fonseca & Milene Matos. Potencial del ratón de campo Apodemus sylvaticus para el control de Acacia sp. XII Congreso de la SECEM. 4-7 December 2015. Burgos, Spain (Oral presentation).

- Nuno Lopes-Pinto & Milene Matos. Los murciélagos del entorno urbano de la ciudad de Aveiro. XII Congreso de la SECEM. 4-7 December 2015. Burgos, Spain (Poster presentation).

- Soutinho, J. G.; Moreira-Pinhal, T.C.; Fonseca, C. & Matos,M. 2015. Caracterização da comunidade de escaravelhos saproxílicos nos diferentes habitats florísticos da Mata Nacional do Buçaco. Meeting on Biodiversity and Invertebrate Conservation in Portugal (EBCI). 12-13 December 2015. Seia, Portugal (Poster presentation).

- Moreira-Pinhal, T. C.; Santos, R. M.; Marabuto, E.; Jervis, S.; Paredes, C.; Santos, E.; Pires, P.; Soutinho, J. G.; Oliveira, A. E.; Gonçalves, A. R.; Fonseca, C. & Matos, M. Invertebrados da Serra do Buçaco: um século e meio de história natural. Meeting on Biodiversity and Invertebrate Conservation in Portugal (EBCI). 12-13 December 2015. Seia, Portugal (Poster presentation).

- Milene Matos, Sónia Nabais e Paulo Nabais. To cooperate to better educate. The ‘BIO Living’ case. XII Pedagogical Conference on Environmental Education (ASPEA). 8 - 10 April 2016, Viseu, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Milene Matos, Eduardo Ferreira, Rosa Pinho, Lísia Lopes, João Carvalho, Maria João Antunes, Pedro Amado, Pedro Beça, Manuel Nunes, Artur Pinto, Carlos Fonseca. IMPRINT+ Project: From the consciousness of the environmental footprint to sustainable citizenship. XII Pedagogical Conference on Environmental Education (ASPEA). 8 - 10 April 2016, Viseu, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Pedro Martins, Milene Matos, Isabel Dias, Filipe Silva, Fábia Pinto Azevedo, Filomena Barros, Verónica Fernandes Bogalho, Ricardo Brandão, Daniela Costa, Samuel Crespo Infante, Sara Lóio, Hugo Lopes, Eva Isabel Palma, Rocío González Peñuela, Maria João Ramos Pereira, Vanessa Soeiro e Carlos Fonseca. Causes of bird admissions to wildlife rehabilitation centres in mainland Portugal – a retrospective study. IX Portuguese Ornithology Congress and VI Iberian Ornithology Congress . 23 - 25 April 2016. Vila Real, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Milene Matos. Know your enemy. The influence of contact with nature in the knowledge and attitude towards alien invasive species. European Workshop on Control and Eradication of Invasive Alien Plant Species. 19 - 21 April 2016. Budapest, Hungary (Oral presentation).

- Soutinho, J. G. M.; Moreira-Pinhal, T. C.; Fonseca, C.; Matos, M. “AISA- Applied Index of Saproxylic Activity – A new tool to monitor the activity of saproxylic invertebrates in forest ecosystems". XVII Iberian Congress of Entomology. 5-8 September 2016. Lisbon, Portugal (Oral presentation).

- Soutinho, J. G. M.; Moreira-Pinhal, T. C.; Gonçalves, A. R.; Rego, C.; Ceia, H,.; Fonseca, C.; Matos, M. "Stag beetles and people: let the fight begin". XVII Iberian Congress of Entomology. 5-8 September 2016. Lisbon, Portuga (Oral presentation).

Anchor 54
Oral presentations by invitation

- Open House "Conscious Recycling is the guarantee of a decent future" organised by the BETEL Associantion, in Ponte de Vagos. November 2005.

- Proceeding "Creative reuse of paper, newspaper and plastics”, BETEL Association, Ponte de Vagos, Portugal. November 2005

- Proceeding "A biologist’s path”, Department of Natural Sciences, Tondela High School. June 2009

- Proceeding "Bussaco National Forest – Fauna”, within the 1st Bussaco National Forest’s Wildlife Seminar, Bussaco, Portugal. May 2010.

- Proceeding "Forest and animals: the role of different forests on Vertebrate conservation”, within the 1st Forest Meeting, University of Aveiro, Portugal. November 2011.

- Proceeding "Amazing Bats”, within the Science Week in the José Estêvão High School, Aveiro, Portugal. November 2011.

- Proceeding "Biodiversity and threatened species”, Mário Sacramento High School, Aveiro, Portugal. March 2012.

-Proceeding "Bussaco National Forest: synergies between tourism, nature and environmental education”, Portuguese Society for the Development of Environmental Education and Tourism, Bucelas, Portugal. April 2012.

- Proceeding “The importance of Bussaco in the European context", in Symposium "Us, Europe and the world", Regional School Dr. José Dinis da Fonseca. May 2012.

- Proceeding "Bussaco National Forest: biodiversity hostpot", within the 2nd CESAM workshop, entitled “Biodiversity face to environmental changes”, University of Lisbon, Portugal. June 2012.

- Proceeding “Wildlife in Candal”. Living Place, Trilhos de Xisto and Casa Cimeira. Lousã, Portugal. October 2013.

-Proceeding “Educative Services in Bussaco National Forest”. National Eco-Schools Seminar, European Blue-Flag Association. Águeda, Portugal. January 2013.

- Proceeding “Tales about animals around us”. Centre for Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation of Matosinhos, Portugal. February 2013.

- Proceeding “Factors affecting the seasonal and spatial patterns of vertebrate diversity and activity in different habitats of the humanized landscape of BioRia”. 4ème Réseau des Observatoires Hommes-Mileux (France) and Municipality of Estarreja, Portugal. June 2013.

- Proceeding “Factors affecting the seasonal and spatial patterns of vertebrate diversity and activity in different habitats of the humanized landscape of BioRia”. 4ème Réseau des Observatoires Hommes-Mileux (France) and Municipality of Estarreja, Portugal. July 2013.

- Proceeding “Project BRIGHT: contribution to environmental education and promotion of scientific culture”. III Sement Event. Bussaco National Forest, Portugal. November 2013.

-Proceeding “Science and society: science communication as a basis for sustainability” XV Meeting of Applied Biology. University of Minho. Braga, Portugal. February 2014.

- Proceeding  “Bussaco National Forest and Life Project BRIGHT: sustainability beyond Invasive plant control”. ObservaRia National Nature Fair. Estarreja, Portugal. April 2014.

- Milene Matos, Eduardo Ferreira, Joaquim Pedro Ferreira, Maria João Ramos Pereira, Rita Rocha, Victor Bandeira, Eduardo Mendes, Inês Torres, Michelle Alves, Sara Marques, Daniela Maia e Carlos Fonseca.  Proceeding  “Baixo Vouga Lagunar: a dinâmica homem-natureza como potenciadora da biodiversidade”. ObservaRia National Nature Fair. Estarreja, Portugal. April 2013.

- Proceeding “Forests as education promoters”. 1st Living the Forest Symposium. Bussaco National Forest. June 2014.

-Proceeding "If you can look, see". The role of illustration on conserving nature. Scattered Pictures Environment. Ovar. November 2014

- Proceeding  "Science and nature as tools of social reintegration". 4th Sement Event, Bussaco Forest Foundation. November 2014.

- -Lecture "Management of the Portuguese landscape and its effects on biodiversity conservation." 13th April 2015, 1st 'Biology in Practice'. Department of Biology, University of Aveiro.

- TEDx Aveiro "Turning calamity into opportunity. Stories of love and science". 23rd May 2015.

- Communication "Bussaco National Forest: from gods to men. A invaluable stronghold to the region's biodiversity". Cycle of lectures on Biodiversity, promoted by ADERAV - Association for the Study and Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage of Aveiro region. 29 October 2015.
- Communication "When in conservation, fiction exceeds reality. The particular case of bat conservation." Conference Cyclone Ambiente Imagens Dispersas, Ovar. November 15, 2015.
- Communication "Invasive alien species: beautiful and dangerous." Conference Cyclone Ambiente Imagens Dispersas, Ovar. November 15, 2015.
- Communication "Imprinting an ecological compensation reasoning on society by means of young citizens - IMPRINT+". 5th Sement Event, promoted by Bussaco Forest Foundation. November 20, 2015.
- Communication "Tales and sayings on herpetofauna: demystifying unfounded beliefs about amphibians and reptiles" inserted in the Cycle of Lectures "Amphibians and reptiles victims, villains or survivors?" promoted by the Department of Biology of the University of Aveiro & Portuguese Association of Herpetology. November 26, 2015.

- Communication "The importance of the right decisions at the right time" inserted in a motivational cycle of lectures promoted by the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering ans Tourism, of the University of Aveiro. February 15, 2016.

- Communication "Environmental Volunteering: unity is strength?" inserted in a motivational cycle of lectures promoted by the Department of Biology, University of Porto, Portugal. March 17, 2016.

- Communication "Forest: much more than trees, a sustainability assurance" inserted on a Seminar on the Portuguese Forests promoted by the Municipality of Tondela, Portugal. March 18, 2016.

- Communication "BIOmotivation: Do we want to change the world?". National Meeting of Biology Students. Coimbra, Portugal. March 22, 2016.

- Communication "Environmental Volunteering: does unity make the green?" Seminar Youth, Environment and Volunteering. Sever do Vouga, Portugal. May 3, 2016.

- roceeding “From individual training to collective action: we are all BIO”. July 14, 2016. University of Porto.


Anchor 55

- Milena Matos e António Luís. 2006.  "Birds of the Quinta de São Francisco". Raiz Institute. 

- Milena Matos e António Luís. 2007. "Atlas of the breeding birs in the University of Aveiro’s Campus". Department of Biology, University of Aveiro and Edições Afrontamento. May 2007.

- Illustration and scientific review in: "Eucalypts and Birds of the Quinta de São Francisco". Portucel – Soporcel Group. 2007.

- Dias, L. and Matos, M. Children's book "Os Duendes na Mata do Bussaco" (The elves in the Forest of Bussaco). Department of Biology, University of Aveiro and Edições Afrontamento. June 2012.

- Milene Matos. 2015. Amor Natura. Love Natura. ISBN 978-989-20-5975-4


Papers in scientific periodicals with referees

- Matos, M.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Morgado, F. and Fonseca C. 2007. Mastofauna del Bosque Nacional de Buçaco (Centro de Portugal). Galemys 19: 45 – 59.

-Milena Matos, Nuno Lopes Pinto and Carlos Fonseca. 2011. Los murciélagos del Bosque Nacional de Bussaco, Centro de Portugal. Galemys 23: 55 – 60.

- Pereira, P., Alves da Silva A., Alves J., Matos, M. and Fonseca C. 2012. Coexistence of carnivores in a heterogeneous landscape: habitat selection and ecological niches. Ecological Research, 27 (4): 745-753. 

- Matos, M. 2012. Diversidade de Vertebrados na Serra do Buçaco e áreas envolventes. Ecologia - Revista Online da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia, 4: 76-77

- M. Matos, N. Lopes Pinto, M. J. Ramos Pereira and C. Fonseca. 2013. Triggering bat detectors: automatic vs. manual mode. Mammalia, 77 (4): 461–466.

-Alves, M., Ferreira, J.P., Torres, I., Fonseca, C. and Matos, M. 2014.

Habitat use and selection of marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus in an agricultural-wetland mosaic. Ardeola, 61(2): 351-366.

- Matos, M., Alves, M., Ramos Pereira, M.J., Torres, I., Marques, S., Fonseca, C. 2015. Clear as daylight: analysis of diurnal raptor pellets for small mammal studies. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 38: 37-48.

- Inês Torres, Milena Matos, Michelle Alves, Carlos Fonseca & Eduardo Ferreira. 2016. Amphibians in a human-altered wetland landscape: water matters, even where there is plenty. The Herpetological Journal. In press.



Papers in promotional journals

- Matos M. 2011. Mata Nacional do Buçaco: um oásis de biodiversidade. Pampilhosa – Uma terra e um povo, 30: 23 – 31.

- Pinho R, Lopes L, Matos M. 2011. A verde relíquia do Buçaco. Pampilhosa – Uma terra e um povo, 30: 11 –14.

- Filipa Ribeiro, Milene Matos, Tamira Cruz, Renato Neves, Filomena Martins, Luís Galiza e Carlos Fonseca. 2013. Fatores que afetam a nidificação de aves nas salinas aveirenses. Patrimónios, 10: 97 – 110.

- Milene Matos, Paulo Trincão, Amadeu M.V.M. Soares e Carlos Fonseca. 2013. Mata Nacional do Buçaco: a natureza escondida.  Patrimónios, 10: 169 – 184.

- Milene Matos. 2013. Aves pelos Ares da Mata Nacional do Buçaco. Pardela, 47: 21-23.

- Milene Matos. 2015. Dos deuses e do homem… Mata Nacional do Buçaco. Quercus Ambiente, 70: 24.

- Milene Matos. 2015. Voando entre a terra e o mar… As aves da Ria de Aveiro. Pardela.

- Michelle Alves, Milene Matos e Carlos Fonseca. 2015. Baixo Vouga Lagunar: importância ecológica e o seu uso por um predador de topo. Patrimónios, 11.



Other publications

- Brochure “Do sapal se fazem marinhas de sal – Fauna e Flora”. Department f Biology, University of Aveiro. 2009

- Bussaco National Forest thematic brochures: fauna, flora, Via Crucis, Relic Forest, Water Trail, Nature Trail, Military Trail. Bussaco National Forest Foundation and University of Aveiro. 2011 and 2012.

- Mini field guides of birds, amphibians, mammals and mushrooms of Bussaco National Forest.

- Several opinion articles in regional and national press.

- Guerra S., Aguiar A., Matos M., Lopes L., Pinho R., Silveira P. e Fonseca C. (2012). BRIGHT – Bussaco’s Recovery from Invasions Generating Habitat Threats (LIFE10/NAT/PT/075).Action E.2 – Monitoring and Assessment of the Project’s Results. Department of Biology, University of Aveiro. Progress report. 43 pp.

- Aguiar, A.; Guerra, S.; Matos, M.; Lopes, L.; Pinho, R.; Pereira, L.; Moreira-Pinhal, T.C.; Silveira, P e Fonseca, C. (2013). BRIGHT – Bussaco’s Recovery from Invasions Generating Habitat Threats (LIFE10/NAT/PT/075). Action E.2 – Monitoring and Assessment of the Project’s Results. Department of Biology, University of Aveiro. Progress report. x + 147 pp.

- Milene Matos, Sónia Guerra, André Aguiar, Lísia Lopes, Rosa Pinho, Lúcia Pereira, Tatiana Moreira-Pinhal, Eduardo Batista, Paulo Silveira e Carlos Fonseca (2014). Relatório de Progressos nº 2. Ação E.2 - Monitorização e Avaliação de Resultados do Projeto BRIGHT – Bussaco´s recovery from invasions generating habitat threats (LIFE10/NAT/PT/075). Departamento de Biologia da Universidade de Aveiro. x + 182 pp. 

Anchor 56

- 19th November 2010 to 19th January 2011.

Os bichos por seu ponto e risco.

Science Factory, Aveiro

- 1st to 30th April 2011

Água com Vida

Museum of the City of Aveiro

- 17th November  to 4th December 2011

 Floresta portuguesa: um olhar mais atento

Saint Johanna Princess - Museum of Aveiro

- 7th June to July 5th, 2013. 

Floresta Prtuguesa: um olhar mais atento.

Photography: Lísia Lopes; Flora texts: Rosa Pinho and Lísia Lopes; Fauna Texts: Milene Matos.

Bussaco National Forest.

November 2013

Mushrooms of Bussaco National Forest

Bussaco National Forest

-1 0th January to 9th February 2014

Os bichos por seu ponto e risco.

Municipality of Mealhada, Portugal

- !4th to 27th of March.

Os bichos por seu ponto e risco.

Bookstore Bretand, Aveiro

- 4th April to 18th May 2014.

Os bichos por seu ponto e risco.

Buçaquinho Enviromental Park, Esmoriz

- 1st to 30th December 2014

Um outro olhar sobre... Os Bichos

Municipality of Tondela, Portugal.

- 4th - 30th November 2015.

Amor Natura. Love Natura.

University of Aveiro.

- 4th January - 5th February 2016.

Amor Natura. Love Natura.

Municipality of Tondela, Portugal.


Milene Matos


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