Biology | Science Communication
Scientific illustration is a type of drawing based on the richness and accuracy of visual information. It is widely used in biology, medicine and other fields of knowledge, with the aim of overcoming the limitations that photography sometimes presents. There are many illustration techniques, from the most classic 'pencil and paper', to the most avant-garde digital illustration.
Here are some of my illustrations. © All rights reserved.

Eublepharis sp.

Lutra lutra

Cupressus lusitanica (leaves and fruits)

Eublepharis sp.
Chinese ink
Chinese ink allows to make drawings of different types, with multiple purposes. The use of this dye material, highly stable, was simplified with the emergence of the "technical pens", which allow for direct drawing on polyester film.

Panthera onca

Egretta garzetta

Passer domesticus

Panthera onca
Graphite is an inescapable classical technique, that allows black and white illustration. Is suits pratically any type of drawing, from the architectural to the biological, by enabling the representation of diverse shapes, nuances and textures.

Sciurus carolinensis

Tachybaptus ruficollis

Sciurus carolinensis
Scratchboard is a technique used in drawings with detail and texture. The stuccoed cardboard is scraped with sharp blades or needles, with a pressure dependent on the intended effect. The pigmented stucco is removed, revealing the hidden color, in this case, white.

Hyla arborea This illustration is purposely unfinished and shows the evolution of an illustration with colored pencils. The drawing starts with sketching contour, outline, textures and patterns. Then begins the basis for color, defining the gradients to be included. Color and shadows provide the sense of volume. Shine is the finishing touch that gives life to the illustration.

Rana iberica

Sciurus vulgaris

Hyla arborea This illustration is purposely unfinished and shows the evolution of an illustration with colored pencils. The drawing starts with sketching contour, outline, textures and patterns. Then begins the basis for color, defining the gradients to be included. Color and shadows provide the sense of volume. Shine is the finishing touch that gives life to the illustration.
Colored pencils
The colored pencils are very familiar materials, being present in our everyday life, since childhood. When properly exploited, they provide truly impressive effects of color, light and texture.
In biological drawing, the colored pencils are particularly interesting for the representation of bare skinned animals such as amphibians, as they allow drawing vivid colors with continuous gradients, and shine, so typicall in amphibians. Pencils are also suitable for drawing textures, such as feathers or fur.

Children illustration
Not every illustration of the living world has to be scientific, in other words, maintaining the rigor of the strokes and the photographic realism of the living creatures protrayed. A context in which the illustration wins with the imagination and creative freedom is the children illustration.
These drawings were made for the book "Elves in Bussaco Forest", by Lidia Dias and Milene Matos. The illustrations in the book are the result of fusing classical color pencil illustration with digital technology, and elegantly composing the pieces in their final form (with the magical touch of designer Suzanna Matos), keeping the vibrance of the manual drawing.